The FREE 2024+ Complete Online Course in Personal Property Appraising (Featuring USPAP) has been in effect since Jan 1, 2024, and will remain in effect until the next substantial change to USPAP, at which time this course will be updated. There is no cost for this course, with the exception of these required course books (available in print or searchable E-version PDF format):
- Print-or E-version of Appraising Personal Property: Principles & Methodology 10th Edition by Dave Maloney, and
- The Appraisal Foundation's 2-book set 2024 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) with accompanying Guidance and Reference Manual (GRM).
This course uses a series of thirteen Lessons, each consisting of a series of reading assignments each of which is followed by complimentary video reviews to enhance the learning experience.
This course is an extensive and unique course which addresses the core knowledge necessary for the professional personal property appraiser who is seeking competency in appraisal theory, principles, methodology and report writing skills in order to practice at the highest standards of ethics and performance.
Some of the areas covered in this course include: the duties of a professional appraiser; types of appraisals and their intended uses (donation, insurance, estate, liquidation, etc.); the "Appraisal Process"; identifying the appraisal problem; approaches to value; value types and their definitions; selection of the most appropriate market to research; Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice; tax regulations regarding federally-related appraisals for donation, gift, inheritance and estate purposes; research techniques; ethics; running an appraisal business; working with the client; constructing an appraisal report; and a brief review of prominent court cases such as Anselmo, O'Keeffe, Sammons, Querbach and Goldman which address key issues relating to appraising including appropriate market from which to acquire comparable sales data, valuing contraband, malpractice, fraud, clear title, fair market value, blockage discounts, USPAP, etc.
While all parts of this course are optional, those completing the ten Lesson quizzes, the two exams and the submission of a final appraisal report for review and approval can qualify for a Certificate of Course Completion.
Though this course can be completed in six months, students have access to it for an indefinite length of time. Click here to view the entire course outline.
- Teacher: David J. Maloney, Jr., AOA CM